Maps are landscapes from a different perspective.
That was the tag line I established to market and maybe explain my love of maps and map art to the greater Art community and collectors. I still love that tag line. It’s my elevator speech when people ask what type of art I do.
These three paintings I created in 2004 while living in Mississippi, I just bought my easel, and wanted to paint something that I was missing. I studied architecture in the Plymouth, Devon, and was homesick. Well, homesick for a location that was not my home, but a place I lived for a semester of school and missed. I then painted North America, because, well, that is my home country. South America came about because of the physical connection to North America and because my college roommate was from Chile, and she was on my mind.
I simply stopped the series there. I wish I had continued. I no longer have the same paint colors available and any artists work or artist’s hand changes over a period of six years.
I have never wanted to sell these originals and simply thought they would stay in my own private collection forever and the public would never see them. I looked at how much I’ve enjoyed my map art and simply said to myself that I bet there are others in the world that would love map art as much as I do. Upon discovering Etsy, I have been offering prints of my private map art collection.
It’s been received so well. I’ve been so happy to offer these as prints in a range of sizes, currently 4×6 glossy prints and 8×10 prints on archival matte paper. I’m going to have them professionally scanned and offered as larger prints which will make them closer to the original size of the original art.
I’ve also been branching out and doing States, Cities and County maps. Today, my medium is in watercolor and oils. Acrylics are so aggravating to me these days. I feel I waste so much of the paint on the pallet and I cannot live with myself for useless waste.
You are welcome to view the other maps I’ve currently have available here.
What I currently have available and ready to ship are the prints on Etsy.
Over time everything is going to come and go from this website. I’m looking to be more self sustaining. So sign up for my RSS so you can keep in current contact.